A Study Guide to the FireTEAM Test: with Tips
Updated April 19, 2024
- What Is the FireTEAM Test?
- What Is on the FireTEAM Exam?
- FireTEAM Exam Prep – Practice Test Examples
- FireTEAM Test Prep – FireTEAM Exam Tips
- Frequently Asked Questions
- Final Thoughts
FireTEAM Test Tips:
- Familiarize yourself with the test format. Knowing what to expect will help you to feel more confident on the day of the test.
- Create a Study Schedule. This will help you to dedicate sufficient time to preparing for the test.
- Take Practice Tests Online.
- Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses.
- Brush Up On Your Mental Arithmetic and Basic Math Skills
- Widen Your Vocabulary by Reading a Variety of Written Materials
- Analyze Your Communication and Teamwork Skills
- Improve Your Memory and Observational Skills.
If you want to work as a firefighter in the United States, passing the FireTEAM test is compulsory.
The FireTEAM test is a video-based assessment. It is used to check whether a job applicant has the right skills to work in the role of firefighter.
The test takes up to two hours to complete. It is designed to test teamwork, human relations, basic math, reading ability, and mechanical aptitude.
Some parts of the test cover skills that you may not automatically attribute as being important to the role of firefighter, so it also offers candidates important insight to the job role.
What Is the FireTEAM Test?
The FireTEAM test is a video-based testing system designed by Ergometrics.
It is used by the National Testing Network as an entrance exam for firefighter positions in the United States.
The purpose of the FireTEAM test is to establish whether a job applicant has the appropriate critical skills to work as a firefighter in the United States. Many hiring departments use the FireTEAM exam as part of the recruitment process.
If you are not sure if your preferred employer uses the exam, you can check with the personnel department.
Results from the FireTEAM test are used to identify a candidate’s individual strengths and weaknesses.
Usually, candidates are asked to take the FireTEAM test at an early stage of the hiring process.
This makes it easier for recruiters to screen applicants prior to the formal interview stage, helping to ensure only the most suitable applicants are invited to interview. This helps to save time and money throughout the hiring process.
The FireTEAM test is administered as a video-based assessment. It includes the following subtests:
- Math
- Reading
- Teamwork and Human Relations
- Mechanical Reasoning
US Fire Departments set FireTEAM test passing scores, which you will need to achieve if you want to move to the next stage of the hiring process.
For example, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue requires candidates to achieve the following FireTEAM test scores to pass the assessment:
- Human Relations – Minimum score of 80%
- Mechanical Aptitude – Minimum score of 60%
- Reading Test – Minimum score of 80%
- Math Test – Minimum score of 70%
Read on to learn more about what to expect from the FireTEAM test.
Take a Practice FireTEAM test on JobTestPrep
What Is on the FireTEAM Exam?
Teamwork and Human Relations
Candidates must work through 28 scenarios and 76 questions in 57 minutes.
In this video-based situational judgment assessment, you will need to apply common sense to a variety of different situations.
You will need to work fast to make sound judgments and decisions on how to tackle the issues you are faced with.
For each question, you will need to watch a short video, which will illustrate a situation you might face when working as a firefighter.
After watching the video, you will be presented with a selection of multiple-choice answers. Your task is to choose the most appropriate option from the possible answers given.
Candidates must work through 31 questions in 25 minutes.
In this video-based test, you must work quickly to make calculations that are relevant to a firefighter’s day-to-day work.
For this portion of the test, you must rely on your mental arithmetic skills – you will not be allowed to use a pen and paper or calculator to help you work out your answers.
Candidates must work through 25 to 27 questions in 15 minutes.
At the start of this section, you will need to study several paragraphs of written information.
Some of the words will be blank, and you will need to decide which word could be used to fill in the blanks and complete the sentences. The possible answers will be presented to you in multiple-choice format.
Mechanical Aptitude
Candidates must work through 36 questions in 43 minutes.
In this part of the test, you will need to answer questions in relation to an animated brick factory.
First, you will watch a short video. After that, you will need to choose the most appropriate option from a set of multiple-choice answers.
The purpose of the mechanical reasoning portion of the test is to check your:
- Analytical problem solving skills
- Ability to adapt
- Understanding of the physical world
- Ability to anticipate future issues
- Ability to manipulate complex systems and sequences
FireTEAM Exam Prep – Practice Test Examples
FireTEAM Practice Test Free Example Question: Teamwork and Human Relations
You are part of a firefighting team responding to a large structure fire. While executing your assigned tasks, you notice a fellow firefighter struggling with a heavy piece of equipment. However, you also have an important task that requires your immediate attention.
What would be your next course of action?
A) Immediately leave your task and assist the struggling firefighter
B) Continue with your assigned task and hope that someone else will help the struggling firefighter
C) Assess the situation, communicate with the struggling firefighter, and request assistance from the team if necessary
D) Ignore the struggling firefighter and focus solely on your assigned task
You are rescuing a person from the roof of the building on the right of the one that is on fire. You know that the space between the edge of two windows is 15 ft.
What is the approximate height of the building?
a) 150 ft
b) 200 ft
c) 1,500 ft
d) 2,000 ft
1. Read the following sentence:
The ___ the fire calmed down was a matter of ___ speculation in the news.
Question: Which of the following words could be used to fill in the blanks?
a) reason, considerabel
b) reasson, considering
c) reason, considerable
d) reeson, considerable
e) reasons, considerabeld
1. Which way do you need to turn Cog 1 to make Cog 4 turn clockwise?
a) Clockwise
b) Counterclockwise

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FireTEAM Test Prep – FireTEAM Exam Tips
If you want to stand the best chance of passing the FireTEAM test, adequate preparation is vital.
Read on for some FireTEAM test tips:
Step 1. Become Familiar With the Format of the Test
If you are new to the FireTEAM test, you may be unsure of what to expect. The best way to overcome this is to familiarize yourself with the test format.
You can find comprehensive information on the format of the test on the JobTestPrep website.
Step 2. Create a Study Schedule
If it has been a while since you last sat an exam, a study schedule is a good way to plan your FireTEAM test prep – especially if you have other commitments to balance.
Work out how much time you can dedicate to studying for the test each week. Then map out your time using a chart or spreadsheet – and make sure you stick to it.
Step 3. Take Practice Tests Online
Once you have an understanding of the FireTEAM test format, you can start working through some firefighter practice test questions.
This is one of the most effective ways to prepare for the FireTEAM test. Completing mock questions means you can practice working against the clock and feel more confident on the day of the actual test.
Step 4. Identify Your Strengths and Weaknesses
As you work through the practice tests, you should be able to identify any areas of strength or weakness.
As well as focussing on questions that you answered incorrectly, think about whether you found any of the questions more challenging than others.
Dedicating extra time to preparing for these questions could help you to feel more confident when it comes to the day of the test.
Step 5. Review Basic Math Concepts
The FireTEAM math test questions on the FireTEAM test aren’t technically difficult – however, you will not be able to use a pen and paper or a calculator to help you work out the answer.
That means you will need to rely on your mental arithmetic skills.
If you find math difficult or you just haven’t practiced your skills in this area recently, be sure to allocate additional time to reviewing basic math concepts.
Step 6. Read a Variety of Written Materials
In today’s digital age, many of us are reading a more limited range of written materials than previous generations.
When it comes to the FireTEAM test, you need to be able to read and comprehend a variety of different texts – so you should make time to expand your horizons. Aim to read newspapers, journals, books, and statistical reports.
Step 7. Evaluate Your Communication and Teamwork Skills
Think about your existing communication and teamwork skills – and be honest.
Try to recall an example of when your communication skills could have been better. What happened? What could have been done differently? What might the outcome have been?
Think about the same questions in relation to a situation when you could have worked as a more effective team member.
Be critical and try to learn from past experiences. Have a think about some of the situations firefighters might find themselves in and consider how you might react and respond.
Step 8. Improve Your Observational Skills
Observational and memory skills are essential to the role of firefighter. If you want to work on your observation, visual learning and memory recall skills, there are a few simple activities you can try.
You could spend some time studying house plans, street maps or public transport network maps.
Allow yourself a set amount of time to remember as much information as possible. For example, if you are looking at a public transport network map, you might challenge yourself to remember a particular route or recall the names of the stations on a particular section of the network.
You could also try playing memory games or brain training games.
The FireTEAM test is a video-based assessment. It is used to check whether job applicants have the appropriate critical skills to work as a firefighter.
In the US, many states use the FireTEAM test as part of the hiring process for firefighter positions. It includes four sections:
- Human relations and teamwork
- Basic math
- Reading ability
- Mechanical aptitude
The FireTEAM test is designed to be challenging, so many candidates find it hard. The purpose of the test is to find out whether you have the relevant skills to succeed as a firefighter.
It is important to prepare for the FireTEAM test. You can use a range of different preparation strategies, including taking practice tests, revising key skills, and improving your observational skills.
You can find a comprehensive FireTEAM study guide for the FireTEAM test on the JobTestPrep website.
Fire Departments set minimum ‘pass’ scores for each section of the test. As a guide, Tualatin Valley Fire & Rescue requires candidates to achieve the following scores:
Human Relations – 80%; Mechanical Aptitude – 60%; Reading – 80%; Math – 70%.
If you want to pass the FireTEAM test, you will need to achieve the minimum pass scores for each section. To stand the best chance of passing the FireTEAM test, preparation is vital.
As soon as you know you will be taking the test, set up a study schedule to organize your time. The more time you dedicate to preparing for the test, the more chance you will have of passing it.
The FireTEAM test takes approximately two hours to complete.
It is important to wear professional dress for the FireTEAM test. You also want to choose something you will feel comfortable in. Wearing layers is a good way to ensure you do not feel too hot or too cold during the test.
You can find a comprehensive FireTEAM test study guide (including sample questions) on the JobTestPrep website.
Your written FireTEAM score will expire after one year. You can take the FireTEAM test once every three months.
The purpose of the FireTEAM test is to check whether a job applicant has the required aptitude and critical skills to work as a firefighter in the United States.
Many hiring managers use the FireTEAM test to screen applicants at an early stage of the hiring process.
You can either sit the FireTEAM test at an approved test center or take the virtual online test.
If you choose to take the virtual test, you will need to use a secure remote location and follow the National Testing Network’s proctored testing protocol. This means that you will be watched and monitored by a live proctor throughout the test, even if you choose to sit it online.
Visit JobTestPrep to view a comprehensive study guide for the FireTEAM test, including sample questions.
Final Thoughts
If you want to stand the best chance of passing the FireTEAM test, preparation is important. Setting aside time each day to prepare for the exam will help you to feel more confident when it comes to taking the assessment.
To get started, try answering a mock FireTEAM test assessment or working through some practice questions. This will help you to identify your individual strengths and weaknesses. You can use this information to tailor your study guide.
You can visit the JobTestPrep website for a comprehensive FireTEAM study guide, including sample questions and FireTEAM test answers.